Setting up resource pack
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Here I'll explain you how to setup the resource pack to display the following kind of images in chat:
If you use to ItemsAdder
go in ItemsAdder folder
open config.yml
go to the section
add this value: HDonations/resource pack
do /iareload and /iazip
If you use Oraxen:
go to HDonations folder
go in resource pack
copy the assets folder
go to Oraxen -> pack
paste the assets folder
reload the Oraxen plugin
If you didn't already have a texture pack:
open HDonations config.yml
set texture-pack.apply-on-join to true
If you already have a server texture pack:
open HDonations -> resource pack folder
copy assets folder
paste it into your resource pack folder (notice: if your texture pack contains special characters you should manually check the content of assets -> minecraft -> fonts -> default.json and add the contents of the same file but in the HDonations texture, to prevent from overwriting your existing ones).